As Gersan Elektrik, our Corporate Social Responsibility company policy is based on the principle of respecting people and nature. We are moving forward with the awareness of the importance of the environment and the awareness that we have a responsibility to future generations. Our policy at Gersan Elektrik has been established to protect the health and safety of all living things affected by our activities, including our employees, contractors and the public. In this context, we expect all companies that make up the Gersan Group to manage their economic, social and environmental impacts responsibly and to continue to prioritize the society. Our aim is not to harm the environment by constantly improving our environmental activities and to move forward with a corporate structure that respects human rights.
Human rights
The right to work freely: Forced labor is strictly prohibited in all our institutions. Anyone can terminate the employment contract in accordance with the law. All of our employees are registered under social security insurance.
Child Labor: We do not employ employees under the age of 18 for the healthy development of children and within the framework of respect for the right to education. By acting in accordance with the principles and procedures of employing young workers, we prepare our young people for their business life by supporting them to do their internships at their schools.
Working Hours: Working hours and overtime must comply with the law due to efficient working and respect for human rights. We do overtime only when individuals are voluntary and within legal limitations.
Prohibition of Discrimination: Considering the basis that all employees have equal rights; It is never out of question to put people at a disadvantage because of their gender, race, social group, color, disability, union, political view, origin, religion, age, pregnancy.
Harassment and ill-treatment: There is a management approach that is extremely sensitive and does not compromise on verbal physical, psychological harassment or coercion within the company or in any area that may be related to the company.
Business Ethics
Anti-Corruption: At Gersan, the highest level of honesty is expected in all business activities and relationships. In no way will it tolerate the exchange of money or gifts to influence the behavior of another person, organization, politician, government employee or office for the sake of commercial or personal benefit. It will not allow bribery even in countries where bribery is tolerated. All forms of corruption, bribery, blackmail and abuse are strictly prohibited.
Wages and Payments: Wages are determined on certain days of the month and paid within the knowledge of the employees. In Gersan, no one can be employed below the minimum wage and overtime wages cannot be paid below the limits set by the state.
Occupational Health and Safety: Gersan has an understanding that prioritizes minimizing any loss that may occur by preparing healthier and safer working environments for all people working and affected by all its activities. Awareness, education and prevention activities are carried out for all kinds of accidents and risks that may affect people throughout their lives.
Training: It is essential to increase the occupational health and safety awareness of the employees and to provide the professional competencies required for their professional and personal development. In addition, it undertakes to organize in-house or external trainings and to ensure the continuous development of the company due to the development of the employees with the trainings organized.
Protect the environment
Our company has determined the basic policy of protecting the environment, not only to save the day by thinking about the present, but also to leave it as a legacy to the future and the next generations. Being sensitive to the environment and starting to work for this goal is an important step towards preventing global warming, which seems small in the ecological system, but is one of the biggest threats to the world with the butterfly effect. Gersan has the highest quality "ISO 14001 Environmental Management System". It aims at continuous development with an effective environmental management system by providing the necessary technical, financial and human resources to achieve its environmental principles and targets at every stage of raw material selection, production and service activities.
We Care for the Environment
Apart from legal obligations, our company proactively protects the environment. Examples of related activities:
• Recycling: We always use best practices when disposing of waste and handling chemicals. We support "recycling" in all our workplaces and show sensitivity.
• Energy saving: We use energy-efficient and durable lighting products in all our factories and buildings with the Led-buses we produce in-house.
• Environmentally friendly technologies: Our galvanizing division is a government incentive project for environmentally friendly technologies. In addition, every detail such as our waste water and chimney emissions is inspected on a programmed basis.